Add/Edit Events

Please Login/Register in order to submit new events.

Help for Filling out your Event Form

Start by adding an Event Title, Event Cost, and a Event Description.

Add an Event Link, if your event is hosted on another website or this is a free event on Live Pro Cams. Viewers will be redirected to that website for the location of your event eg.. If you are using another website to broadcast your live streaming event, you would enter that webpage URL for visitors. If it is a free event on LPC then provide the Event link for your performer webcam room.

If event is hosted on another website, Visitors on Live Pro Cams would see your advertised event link to go to that website.

If you have Additional Info for your event, provide that link. Visitors can read more information about your event using that link.

If this event is a Virtual Event hosted on Live Pro Cams, then skip this section and fill in the information on the Virtual Event section.

Add a Feature Image. This image will be the large main image at the top of the page of the event details and displayed on the thumbnails for the Events listed on the Events page. For best results, resize your Feature Image first to be the following pixels, prior to adding it. Suggested Feature Image Size 1280 x 760 pixels.

If you are unable to resize your image, try uploading it and see how it displays. You can remove it and add another image at any time.

Add an optional Excerpt for a brief overview of your event that will be displayed.

Add a Label to your event. This label will be displayed on the Event details page. Let users know if this is a Free event or located at a Physical Location or a Virtual Event. Maybe it’s all of the above. Check the appropriate boxes.

Add your event Date and Time. Select necessary check boxes. Add optional Notes to the time, if required.

Add the Timezone for your event. Don’t use the “Inherit from global options” as the timezone is most likely different.

Add an Event Color if you want. This will be displayed on the event page for the users to see.

If this is a Virtual Event, check this box. A Virtual Event badge will be displayed on the Event if the Display Virtual Event Badge check box is selected. Be sure to add your Virtual Event link and Title in this section.

For events that have a cost, check the box to display when booking is completed. This will provide the information to users that purchase a ticket to your event, only after they have paid for the event.

Add a Password to your virtual event to protect visitors from obtaining it prior to paying for the event. Be sure to check the box to display when booking is complete to display this information, only after they have paid for the event.

Embed would need to be added if you have an embedded event page where your virtual event would be held. Use this only if it will not be hosted on Live Pro Cams in your webcam room.

Fill out the remaining boxes as desired in the Virtual Event section.

Add your desired Countdown Method.

Let users know if your event is repeating or a single one time event by checking the Event Repeating box.

If it is a repeating event, select how often it repeats using the following boxes.

Where is your Event going to be located? If you have a physical location, add it in this section so viewers will have the address to attend in person. If your event has more than one location, add them. You can also add that your event is Online again here so the viewer doesn’t miss that it’s a virtual event.

Add your Event Main Performer and other performers. This is where you can add some information about the performers by adding an image and URL for visitors to checkout and read more about the performer/s.

If you want to limit the total number of bookings, check the Total Booking Limits box.

If you would like to offer discounts per user role, you may do so here. Keep in mind that the only user roles used on Live Pro Cams website are Administrators, Performers, and Clients. Ignore the rest as they can’t be hidden.

Interval Options should only be filled out IF you want to limit when the event will be shown on the Event page. If not, skip this and your event will always be shown.

Automatic Approval email and booking confirmations should be set to Inherit from global options to prevent too many emails being sent to users booking your event. The global setting is set to disabled for booking verification and enabled for booking confirmation.

Total User Booking Limits will set a limit to each user booking events. If you want users to be limited how many tickets they can purchase, leave this box checked and place the number of tickets you want to limit in the box below.

Now that you’ve added your event details, you need tickets to sell.  You can copy and paste the same information above if you like or add new information to the ticket.

Price and Price Label should be added here so they display on the tickets. Example: Price 10 and Price Label: $10. You must follow this example for tickets to display the price correctly.

Available Tickets: By placing a number of tickets value here, your event can display when there are only a few tickets left to add a sense of urgency notification to the event.

If you would like to place a minimum number of tickets for users to purchase, fill in the Minimum Tickets box.

If you would like to stop selling tickets at a certain time, fill in the Stop Selling Ticket box.


If you want to add a Price Per Date to your tickets, click the Add button and fill in the details. You can add several Price Per Date fields to your tickets.

Booking Form should remain checked so the booking form is displayed to your visitors.

In the Notes to Reviewer (Admin), please list the virtual event URL and a password to protect users from entering your events without paying. Admin will place this on the emails that are sent to customers purchasing your virtual events. This will also be saved on your My Added Events page for you to review if you forget it 🙂

An example of your note should be something like this: Online URL Password: myTestVirtualEvent

If you are using your performer webcam room on Live Pro Cams website for the event, you can find your webcam room URL on the Overview tab of your room.

Recommended: The Setup tab on the webcam room will allow you to add your confirmed user list and add a password to your room during your event. This will prevent users that didn’t purchase a ticket from entering your room during your event.

Be sure to Submit your event. This will notify Admin of your event listing to approve. Once it has been approved, it will be published live for visitors to see and by tickets.